Don’t Waste Another Day In Your Life That You Don’t Like!


Helping You To Create a Framework for Success at Work and in Life with our own proprietary system you will NOT find ANYWHERE ELSE on the Inter-webs.

A you a forty plus something looking for your next move?

Are you about to retire or have retired and are wondering “what’s next” in your life?

Are you a professional looking for a change in your present role or outside your present organisation?

Are you a job and career seeker or changer?

An empty nester?

Someone who wants to leave a legacy that fulfils their unique purpose?

Spiritual, although does not like, belong to, or follow any organized religion or faith?

Often says out aloud “I think the universe is trying to tell me something today…”

A believer in “cosmic consciousness and in Universal Principals and Spiritual/Natural Laws? The harmony of all things.

Is open to the possibility that there might be something “more out there”

Someone who wants to go beyond the Law of Attraction

Wants to avoid “sham” self-help?

A Body, Mind and Spirit magazine readers, podcast listeners and workshop/seminar attendees who feels short changed and wants to go deeper

Cosmically curious and someone who wants a stronger spiritual centre or similar.

If so, great you are in the right place.

Do you ever hear these voices inside your head?

“I feel empty inside. My life lacks meaning; something’s missing.” “I’m not making a difference.”

“I have no life. I’m burned out—exhausted.”

“I’m stuck, in a rut.”

“I’m just not making enough to make ends meet. I never seem to get ahead.”

“I’m angry. I’m scared. I can’t afford to lose my job/business.”

“Maybe I just don’t have what it takes.”

Do you really want to be happy and fulfilled and connect to something greater?

If you’re looking for a deeper sense of identity and purpose—this is for you.

Hello and welcome!

Do you ever wonder if:

You have a purpose even a calling?  Even if you do (congratulations, millions around the world don’t) do you even believe in it anymore?

Is it possible to do work and live a life that matters?

Can you imagine work and life being fun again? And even if you can imagine it, who says you deserve a shot at it?

You’re tired of wondering what to do with your life, the statistics show you’re not alone.

(UPDATE with own Life Purpose stats if required.


Ignoring Your True Purpose in Life Can Lead to A Specialized Type Of Depression

Here’s a scary fact from The Oxford Program that you should know:

Note: for Career please also read Business Ownership and a Job.

There is a very specific type of depression called “Career Depression” that strikes people who find themselves locked into doing work that doesn’t match up with their true purpose in life. Take a quick assessment: if you fit any of the criteria below you could be in danger of developing this debilitating condition…

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you ever have nagging doubts about the future of your career?
  • Does it often make you feel discouraged or depressed?
  • Are you unclear about your career goals or future (and unhappy as a result?)
  • Is a sense of joy or passion completely missing from your work?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, then you may need to take the signs of Career Depression very seriously. Here’s why…

According to The Oxford Program, Career Depression generally goes through three stages:

  • Stage 1: Career Dissatisfaction
  • Stage 2: Career Demotivation
  • Stage 3: Career Paralysis

Obviously, you don’t want to wait until you reach the “end of the line” before acting!

Let’s face it: depression is a very real and debilitating condition for millions of people. It causes feelings of hopelessness, mood swings, chronic fatigue, eating disorders and even thoughts of death and dying among those who don’t get help soon enough.

That’s why it’s so important for you to find out what you are truly meant to be doing here on Earth and to be happy – no-matter what stage in life you are in.

Why should your work be a source of depression for you, when it could be an endless source of emotional fulfilment and joyful confidence?

You can avoid having to suffer through any more years of “quiet desperation”.

And here’s how.

Living a life well lived comes from you having fulfilled your purpose on this planet.

Everybody is born with a purpose, a destiny. It just takes knowledge and skills to find it – just like learning how to drive a car.

This is the key to creating a fulfilling, happy and fulfilling life.

And it all starts with understanding and learning about your own personal purpose type.

Your purpose type is your own personal operating system for understanding your identity, helping you to map out your life and play to your natural strengths whether in addressing business, career, and job goals, making more money, dealing with health challenges to even finding a new relationship.

When you understand and accept nature of your purpose type, you begin to align with who you truly are and, regardless of fate, you find immense joy and meaning in life.

What Makes You different?

Great question.

As you begin to discover your purpose type you will be able to do so in small increment steps. From when you first take your purpose type quiz, you will experience a sophisticated but elegant system in place to get you from where you now to where you want to be.

We have services and products that fit all budget sizes. You get to choose and only buy when you are ready.

Not just in relation to fulfilling your purpose type but also in the other key areas of your life including your health, wealth, relationships, and personal growth. We provide practical accurate insights that you will not find anywhere else.

Instead of creating yet another mountain of information that goes nowhere, every piece of content and related topics is de-constructed into small steps that are easy to understand. It allows you to not just learn, but to retain and easily implement any of our self-realization strategies tools and tactics.

We blend timeless eastern wisdom, modern science, psychology with proven and practical life coaching tools for modern day living.

We help you to start or continue your self-realization and do not bombard you with outdated, rehashed “shelf-help” tips and techniques.

You have access to our incredible world-class carefully vetted professional and personal development partners coaches, experts and teachers which will help you and inspire you to find your identity once again and manifest your true mission.

We don’t know it all.

With our world class products, information, coaching, membership, and community we will be with you all the way and you will never feel unsupported or alone on your personal journey where together we can be who we really want to be in the world.

Is it really that simple?


Your “purpose type” is tailor made just for you.

There is no-one like you in the world of nearly 7 billion. Yes you are truly unique!

When you truly fulfil your destiny, you empower others to do the same, and when they have fulfilled their destinies, you are benefited in return. Another true win win.

Where Do I Start?

Start by taking our Purpose Type Quiz above or use Bertie the Bot to the bottom right of this page. Us humans are on hand too!

It will take you less than 5 minutes.

After completing the quiz your purpose type will become much clearer.

Upon completion of the quiz, you will receive a report describing your type and it’s relationship with the key aspects of your life.

You may also wish to join our Dharma Digest newsletter for more tips, strategies, and practical information to lead an even happier, healthier, and fulfilling life.

PS: You will not find any pop-ups on this site even though we have been told they make more money. We detest them as much as you do😊

P.S.S. A little word of warning. The words on this use the British system of spelling and not the American version. For example, the word colour is spelt colour and not color; the word realize and not realize; centre and not center and so on.

With Love and Dharma,

The Dharmaologist Team.